Line Dancing with michelle neese

"A day without line dancing is like...just kidding I have no idea."

If you've met me, you know this is the truth. I hope you will join me in person to learn the joy of line dancing for yourself, 


Learn To Line Dance!

Do you want to learn how to line dance?  I offer beginner line dancing classes to people who have never danced before but want to learn how. You don't need a partner to line dance. Line Dancing is very easy to learn

I "REALLY" love to line dance. Once you start, you'll find it is great exercise, enjoy great music (soul, R&B, country, rock, pop, and even some classics from the 50s and 60s), you'll make great friendships, and keep you young (and your brain cells firing).

Intimidated? Please don't be. You need no previous experience, no partner, and no special equipment. And, don't worry about learning to dance in front of others....just remember even the most advanced dancer was a beginner at some point. Just come out, relax, and have fun!

Each lesson is broken into three sections:  45 minutes focused on beginner/improver and one hour focused on intermediate/advanced.

Even if you have never danced before, you'll be dancing by the end of the first class. Check the "Class Schedule" tab to learn more.

Hope to see you in class!